As the Catholic Church and its insurer fight over paying abuse victims, a new group sparks questions

The exterior of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City is seen in a nighttime file photo. A New York state appeals court ruled unanimously April 23, 2024, in favor of insurers against the New York Archdiocese, arguing they should not be held liable for the church’s systemic failures on abuse.

By Ellen Moynihan

As the Archdiocese of New York and its insurance company, Chubb, battle over who is responsible for millions in potential payouts to survivors of clergy sexual abuse, a new group has entered the picture.

Announcing its presence in November with a full page ad in The New York Times, the Coalition for Just and Compassionate Compensation, which describes itself as an “alliance of survivors of child abuse and their advocates committed to ensuring that survivors receive the restitution that they deserve”, called on Chubb to stop fighting its responsibility in court and said their behavior was “callous”.

But in letters obtained by the Daily News, Chubb says it is, in fact, the archdiocese that’s being callous— all but accusing the coalition of being in cahoots with the archdiocese amid efforts to pressure the insurer to pay up.

Both the Archdiocese of New York and the coalition deny having any connection to each other. The CJCC said the group was working to hold the archdiocese responsible as well as insurance companies.

“We have no affiliation with the church – we are a broad coalition of advocates, survivors, and attorneys representing plaintiffs who are undergoing active litigation against the archdiocese and other institutions,” said a spokesman for the organization.

For the many victims of clergy abuse, the ongoing battle between the archdiocese and its insurers — punctuated by this latest chapter — is another blow in their efforts to seek justice after decades of denial by the Catholic Church.

Mary McKenna, New York spokeswoman for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, a nationwide support group for abuse victims, said the delay in payments to victims makes their already abhorrent experiences worse.

“It’s an awful thing for the survivors,” she said.

“Of all the people that I’ve spoken to, the church has known since the beginning. They did know who was an abuser and who was abused,” said McKenna. “I don’t blame the insurance for not wanting to pay because the church is ultimately responsible for their actions.”

“Endless surreal nightmare”

The CJCC’s website was registered in October and the group launched the following month, according to a press release on their website. Their address is a post office box in Washington, D.C., and they have three trustees — a lawyer for sexual abuse victims, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and a “communications expert.” A spokesperson for the group said they had two other members, both lawyers, and no salaried employees.

When The News asked the coalition to speak with abuse victims the CJCC represented, the group made one of their trustees available without mentioning his leadership position. A spokesperson for the organization later said he “just became” a trustee.

The trustee, Stephen Jimenez, was active in getting the Child Victims Act passed. He filed his claim the day the act went into effect in August 2019 and still has not been compensated.

He noted the Adult Survivors Act, enacted in 2022 to provide a one-year window for adult sexual abuse survivors to pursue litigation, has resulted in resolution of cases already, including the one against Donald Trump brought by E. Jean Carroll.

“Many of us feel this is a kind of endless surreal nightmare that keeps going on and on and on,” he said of himself and his fellow abuse survivors.

When The News asked if there were any other members of the CJCC who were victims of abuse, a spokesman for the group said there were almost 100 people, including survivors, lawyers and advocates, who have engaged in actions as part of the coalition.

“Everyone who is pushing to hold the insurance industry accountable as part of this effort can rightfully consider themselves a member of this coalition,” he said.

More than 3,000 claims

After the New York Child Victims Act of 2019 — signed by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the newsroom of The Daily News — went into effect, allowing survivors of childhood sexual abuse to sue abusers and the institutions that harbored them, the floodgates opened with past victims seeking justice.

According to court filings, the archdiocese has been sued by over 3,000 claimants under the Child Victims Act. The Archdiocese of New York awarded more than $76 million to 400 claimants via their Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program, said Joseph Zwilling, director of communications for the archdiocese.

The program was introduced by Timothy Cardinal Dolan in 2016, three years before the Child Victims Act passed, and was intended as a way for survivors of abuse to reach a settlement without hiring a lawyer. Participants in the program waived their right to pursue legal action against the archdiocese for the abuse.

“Cardinal Dolan did do a bishop’s reconciliation a few years back and he didn’t use the insurance company’s money, he used the church’s money,” said McKenna of SNAP, referring to the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program. “That was actually good for the victims. They didn’t have to relive the abuse. They didn’t have to wait years and years.”

Chubb is the insurer on about 60% of the unsettled claims that went to litigation, said sources, which are valued at $859 million.

But Chubb filed suit against the archdiocese in Manhattan Supreme Court in June 2023, arguing that the payouts to survivors are outside the scope of what insurance should actually cover.

“The ADNY and the CJCC know that insurance policies cover damages from accidents. You can’t buy insurance for intended acts the ADNY has admitted: concealing, tolerating and abetting child molestation, which continued for decades because of the ADNY’s cover-up and its unconscionable failure to stop the abuse when it had the knowledge and opportunity to do so,” a representative for Chubb said. “That’s what this case is about.”

In October, the archdiocese tried to have the case dismissed. Lawyers from firm Blank Rome, representing the archdiocese, wrote that “Chubb’s heavy-handed conduct highlights that this lawsuit is a tactical maneuver in what appears to be a nationwide corporate decision to walk away from sexual abuse claims from California to New York”.

Supreme Court Justice Suzanne Adams dismissed the case in December, but a unanimous ruling in state appellate court on April 23 found that the insurance company can proceed in its case against the archdiocese.

Enter the coalition

Amid the legal fighting, the coalition took out a full-page ad in The New York Times in November writing “Chubb has callously chosen to resist, delay, and deny restitution to survivors, all in a cynical effort to safeguard its bottom line.”

In January, the group sent a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James urging her office to look into not only Chubb’s “conspiracy to defraud child victims act survivors”, but the insurance industry’s conduct as a whole.

Chubb has started to fight back, calling foul on the CJCC.

Days after the ad appeared in The New York Times, a lawyer for Chubb wrote to Blank Rome seeking clarity about how aligned the CJCC was with the archdiocese.

“The CJCC came out of nowhere and is not transparent about who set it up and who is funding it,” wrote John Baughman in November 2023. “Its constituent documents do not appear to be publicly available.”

The letter also points out a similarity in language used in both a reply brief filed by lawyers for the archdiocese in October 2023 and the open letter by CJCC published in The New York Times a month later.

“That brief asserted ‘Chubb seeks to welch on its decades-long contractual promises.’ The open letter mimics this wording by claiming that ‘Chubb is welching on its promise’,” wrote Baughman, noting it would be “an extraordinary coincidence” for two different people to come up with the same wording.

Baughman went on to write that the two organizations had people in positions of power who have worked together before.

“There are well-documented extremely close professional, political and personal connections between current and former ADNY officials and people affiliated with the CJCC.”

In another letter, Joseph Wayland, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Chubb wrote to James R. Marsh and David Catalfamo of the CJCC calling out personal ties between the two groups.

“David Catalfamo, Executive Director of CJCC, and John Cahill, Chancellor of ADNY, have worked closely together dating back at least 20 years when they both served as top aides to former Governor George Pataki,” wrote Wayland on April 2.

“Mr. Catalfamo also served as the spokesperson for Mr. Cahill’s failed run for New York State Attorney General in 2014. Mr. Cahill was also one of the largest donors to Mr. Catalfamo’s own failed campaign for the New York State Assembly in 2022.”

Cahill contributed $4,700 to both Catalfamo’s 2020 and 2022 runs, according to data from the New York State Board of Elections. The only donations higher than that amount were from the Republican Assembly Campaign Committee.

Neither the archdiocese nor the coalition have responded to the letters.

Attorney Jeff Anderson says he has filed over 400 cases for clients against the Archdiocese of New York, and although the Child Victims Act gave those cases priority, no settlements have been made.

“The insurers, not just Chubb, but all of them—there’s a host of them—they have all locked horns and refused to pay,” said Anderson.

Other insurance companies used by the archdiocese include AIG, Travelers, The Hartford and Allianz, the lawyer said. Anderson believes Chubb should be responsible for the settlements, saying they had been paid “over a billion dollars of premiums in coverage over the years”.

“They are villainous in their refusal to pay,” said Anderson. “They make it impossible for Catholic bishops to make peace with the survivors.”

“The survivors are suffering mightily.”

Connection denied

The Archdiocese of New York told The News no relationship existed between them and the CJCC.

“We are aware of the work of the CJCC, and share a common belief that Chubb should live up to its moral and legal responsibility to honor the insurance policies that they issued and for which they were paid for decades,” said Zwilling, the archdiocese’s spokesman.

Zwilling denied that Catalfamo and Cahill’s shared background is relevant and said calling attention to it was a diversion tactic on Chubb’s part.

“The fact that two individuals worked together years ago is immaterial and simply a further attempt by Chubb to muddy the waters as they try to find a way to turn their back on victim-survivors in an attempt to protect their multi-billion dollar bottom line,” said the spokesman.

When asked about the contributions from Cahill to Catalfamo for his Assembly runs and their shared professional past, Catalfamo shot back, lobbing his own accusations at Adrienne Harris, the Superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services. The agency regulates financial institutions and insurance companies.

“If there are any connections that need to be examined, it’s between NY’s top finance watchdog Adrienne Harris and her personal ties to a trusted adviser to CHUBB’s CEO. Perhaps then we can all begin to understand why the Department of Financial Services has shockingly turned its back on victims begging her agency to simply require big insurance to follow guidance that is already in place,” said Catalfamo.

Harris is a former employee at law firm Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, which managed legal counsel for insurer ACE Limited when they acquired Chubb in 2015 and has said the firm’s Senior Chair H. Rodgin Cohen is a mentor. Harris left the firm in 2013, according to her LinkedIn page.

In response, a Chubb spokesperson reiterated their position on who should be making payments to survivors of abuse.

“The only ones turning their backs on victims are the ones who tolerated, hid and covered up sexual abuse of children for decades: the Archdiocese of New York. They can and should pay these victims now.”

The Department of Financial Services said they are keeping an eye on the case between the archdiocese and Chubb and will be holding insurers accountable “as appropriate”.

Complete Article HERE!

Baja California and the clergy sexual abuse crisis

— Unlike the debate regarding clergy sexual abuse in California, on the other side of the fence, in the Mexican Californias, there is a deceitful tranquility.

Francisco Moreno Barrón, archbishop of Tijuana. From his diocese’s social media.

It is not that Mexico is free from clergy sexual abuse; it is that neither the Church, nor the government are willing to go deep into the issue.

By Rodolfo Soriano-Núñez

Despite the alleged existence of a “lay State” in Mexico, churches are under no pressure to report clergy sexual abuse much less to compensate the victims of it.

Last week Los Ángeles Press published a story on the wave of bankruptcies after the clergy sexual abuse crisis in California. On the surface, having half of the Roman Catholic dioceses in that state seeking the protection of Chapter 11, tells a story of turmoil.

But looks can be deceiving. As that story, linked immediately after the next paragraph stresses, the bankruptcies are from cases going back to the 20th century. They have resurfaced as the consequence of a major change in California law, a true innovation, allowing survivors of sexual violence to seek justice in civil, not penal, courts.

The experiment with restorative justice in California is about to give thousands of survivors of sexual abuse, clergy or otherwise, a chance to receive a measure of justice. Not that they will become millionaires, exempt from facing the difficulties of life, or that they will have a chance to relive their lives.

It is just that the Roman Catholic hierarchy will face the consequences of their behavior. The expected outcome is that survivors will receive a measure of compensation for the damage done to them.

On the other side of the fence that Donald Trump aims to turn into a solid wall to isolate the U.S. even further from the rest of the world, Mexican victims face a far more painful future.

It is not that the doctrine of the Catholic Church is that different in Tijuana or Mexicali from that in San Diego. It is not that crossing the border changes the rules regulating the internal life of the Church when going from the Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe at 2487 Tierra Blanca Street, at Mexicali, to the eponymous parish at 135 Fourth Street at Calexico.

Enrique Sánchez Martínez, bishop of Mexicali, Baja California, preaches to his congretation.

A mere two miles, a little more than three kilometers separate both Churches from each other. Unless one is truly familiar with both parishes, it is hard to distinguish them just by looking at the pictures of the masses, baptisms, and weddings celebrated in each of them.

The distance would be even smaller, little less than nine hundred meters or little more than nine hundred yards, your choice, if the preferred church on the Mexican side was the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexicali, standing three blocks from the international border.

As a previous piece in this series proved when comparing the dioceses of El Paso, Texas, with Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, what changes between the Californias, Mexican or American, is not the beliefs, the practices, the rites. Those are impossible to distinguish for the untrained eye.

What changes, as proved by AB 218, the bill that forced six Roman Catholic dioceses to seek the protection of Chapter 11, is the laws.

While in Sacramento, the State Legislature of California was willing to offer a measure of justice to the victims of sexual abuse, in Mexicali and La Paz, the capital cities of Baja California and Baja California Sur, respectively, the legislatures have what their members see as more pressing issues to deal with.

But it is not only the lack of political will from the Mexican lawmakers. That is a major difference, relevant to understand the issue. It is also that unlike the state attorneys of both Mexican Californias, in the American California, there is a long history of going after predators, clergy or otherwise, Roman Catholic or otherwise.

In Mexico, despite the flamboyant rhetoric of the political elites, always willing to put a spin to prove how committed they are with the popular causes, there is no such history.

That explains why the California state attorney deposed Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, the now emeritus archbishop of Mexico City, an ally and protector of infamous Mexican clergy sexual predators as Marcial Maciel and Nicolás Aguilar Rivera, during the process that forced the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to pay more than sixty million dollars to victims of Aguilar Rivera among other clerics.

A previous installment of this series, linked immediately below, provided details of how Cardinal Rivera Carrera sent priest Aguilar Rivera from Tehuacán, in the Mexican state of Puebla, to Los Angeles, despite his record as a sexual predator.

Aguilar Rivera is only one example of Mexican Catholic clergy going North on their search for new victims, as Jeffrey David Newell, a German American priest who went the other way around, settling in Tijuana, Baja California, after his victims in California made the U.S. bishops aware of how he attacked them.

Light of the World

But that also explains why Naasón Joaquín García, the leader of the Church of the Light of the World or Luz del Mundo, as it is called in Spanish, who has been repeatedly accused of abuse in Mexico, is in jail in California, where the state attorney was willing to confront the political storm that followed his arrest and trial.

The case of Naasón Joaquín García also proves that the main issue with sexual abuse is not the institutional design of the Church-State relation. On paper, Mexico has had a “lay State” (Estado laico).

Unlike most capital cities all over Latin America, whose streets and parks sport the names of cardinals, bishops, and other clergymen, in Mexico City there is no main street or major park honoring the memory of a former archbishop of the capital.

The “lay State” makes unthinkable to even consider ideas now in vogue in the United States, as having the Ten Commandments in full display on each classroom or forcing students to read the Bible or any other religious book.

Miguel Ángel Alba Díaz (left) current bishop of La Paz, and Miguel Ángel Espinoza Garza, coadjutor bishop.

Even privileges as a special treatment during trials that exist in the laws of South American countries for bishops and other top leaders of the Catholic Church have been unknown in Mexico since the mid-19th century.

The fact is that churches, as large as the Roman Catholic and as relatively small as the Light of the World, use the weakness or unwillingness of Mexican law enforcement, state and district attorneys, and judges, state or federal, to prosecute sexual offenders.

It is not out of chance that some fundamentalist branches of the Latter-Day Saints, the so-called Mormons, use Mexico to conceal polygamists way too notorious in Utah and other U.S. jurisdictions with large groups of members of that denomination since the mid-1870s.

It is not as if Mexico lacks its own groups willing to challenge the laws regarding marriage. It is just that it is easier for Mormon fundamentalists to hide in remote places in Chihuahua, Sonora, and Durango, to pursue their understanding of that faith, given the lack of interest of the Mexican authorities to enforce the law.

Then there is the issue of how hard is to mobilize public opinion in Mexico. Not that there is no information about sexual abuse, clergy or otherwise. It is just that victims in Mexico face more hurdles to organize themselves, to mobilize, and to turn their pain into political capital.

The very design of the Mexican institutions of justice also plays a role. It is far harder to prove your case in Mexican courts than in their U.S. counterparts. That is the case because of the extreme formalism of the Mexican law, and the difficulties to accept any kind of innovation.

If that was not enough, there is the issue of corruption in the Mexican system of justice, a feature fueling the bad grades Mexican judges get in almost any poll about their behavior, that was the issue of a story, published only in Spanish in Los Ángeles Press, going over the data of six years of polling on the trust and the perception of corruption of the Mexican judges.

Deceitful tranquility

It is not only old school bribes to turn rulings. It is the very way in which the authorities deal with a report, making almost impossible to prove the abusive nature of certain attitudes and practices of those who have a chance to practice abuse at colleges or churches.

It is that, as other series published by Los Ángeles Press prove, there is a concerted effort from Mexican authorities, federal or state, regardless of political affiliation, to conceal and even to falsify evidence.

That has brought an epidemic of systematic false positives, what Guadalupe Lizárraga aptly calls “false guilty parties” in major cases such as the assassination of Mexican journalist Miroslava Breach, to name the most recent of them.

Only because of the combined effects of these features, the Roman Catholic dioceses of the Mexican Californias appear to be in calm, while their counterparts in the U.S. California face what could be one of their major challenges since their foundation.

On the southern side of the fence, sexual predators, clergy or otherwise, remain protected by a system of justice about to be upended by a reform that seems to be fixated on imitating only one aspect of the U.S. system of justice, that of electing the judges, leaving untouched other key issues such as the appointment of the State and district attorneys or the accountability expected from the police.

On top of the issues coming out of the choices made by the Mexican political elites over the last century, shaping an inefficient system of justice, there is also the reality that ever since the passing of the Volstead Act by the U.S. Congress in 1919, Tijuana and other Mexican cities in the U.S.-Mexico border, became prime locations for the trade of illegal substances and practices.

The Ecclesiastical Province of Baja California.

That is not exclusive of the U.S.-Mexico border. One can find similar asymmetries even in the European Union, in the Spanish town of La Jonquera, in the border with France, and in other border regions worldwide, where changes in laws and regulations create opportunities for business, crime, and predatory activities.

The only other issue worth mentioning is that, unlike what happens in the United States conference of bishops since the Aughts, when there was a realization of the negative effects of the clergy sexual abuse crisis, their Mexican colleagues are still trying to deny the true reach of the crisis, with little or no pressure from Rome to address the issues, to assist the victims and prevent sexual abuse.

That is the only explanation to the fact that, as a story published in this series, less than half the Mexican Roman Catholic dioceses have complied with the minimum requirement of setting up a commission to prevent clergy sexual abuse in their territory.

In the Mexican Californias, out of four dioceses shaping the so-called Ecclesiastical Province of Baja California, only one, Mexicali, has a commission to prevent clergy sexual abuse, the other three dioceses, the metropolis of that province, the archdiocese of Tijuana, and the dioceses of La Paz, Southern Baja California, and Ensenada, do not have a commission and it seems there is no hurry or interest at either the Mexican Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Nunciature in Mexico or Rome itself, to force those three dioceses to set up their commissions, as Box 1 summarizes.


All four dioceses in the Province of Baja California, have a record of reports of sexual abuse. From Mexicali, Los Ángeles Press published previously details of the protection offered by bishop José Isidro Guerrero Macías to predator priests in that diocese in the story, only available in Spanish, linked immediately after this paragraph.

Bishop Accountability has reports of at least one case for each of the other dioceses in the province. From Ensenada, to Tijuana, and La Paz.

A notable feature of the clergy sexual abuse crisis in the Mexican Californias is better appreciated when considering the relations and lineages that exist among the bishops in the four dioceses there, their predecessors and other bishops in Mexico.

Current and former bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Baja California.

At least three features emerge of the previous graph. The first is the role played by the relationship between Italian diplomat Girolamo Prigione and bishops Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo in Tijuana and Manuel Pérez-Gil in Mexicali.

Although both were already bishops in those dioceses before Prigione’s arrival, they were able to develop a close relationship with the then apostolic delegate. After his stint at the border, Prigione moved his influence in Rome to appoint Posadas as bishop of Cuernavaca.

Even if the move was a sidestep, since Posadas was already a bishop, Cuernavaca in the early eighties was a “diocese of reference” in Mexico. Bishop Sergio Méndez Arceo was one of the brightest minds of his generation in the Mexican episcopate.

Unlike other bishops, he embraced the consequences of the second Vatican Council without hesitation. He was an able polemicist and a notable speaker. His weekly homilies or sermons received the attention of the Mexican and international media, not only because of the use of Mariachis and other groups of popular Mexican music during the mass, but also because of the solid arguments with which he was willing to criticize the Mexican and U.S. governments on almost any issue.

He played a key role as mediator when a Mexican leftist guerrilla kidnapped Rubén Figueroa, then elected governor of the state of Guerrero in the mid-1970s.

His succession was a national issue in the Mexican media. So even if there was no real promotion for Posadas, he traded Tijuana for Cuernavaca to destroy Méndez Arceo’ legacy. From there, he was awarded with the crown jewel of the Mexican episcopate, the almighty see of Guadalajara, which granted him access to the College of Cardinals and the opportunity to promote his underlings.

Among them was Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, now emeritus of that see, who succeeded Posadas after his brutal assassination in the parking lot of Guadalajara International Airport, when he went there to pick up Girolamo Prigione who was traveling from Mexico City on May 23rd, 1993.


Posadas had already secured Sandoval’s appointment as bishop of Ciudad Juárez, as the story linked immediately below, available only in Spanish, about sexual abuse in that diocese of the Chihuahua-Texas international border, describes.

Prigione developed a similar relationship with Manuel Pérez-Gil, bishop of Mexicali since the mid-1960s. Prigione promoted Pérez-Gil to the then diocese, now archdiocese of Tlalnepantla in Central Mexico.

Besides Prigione’s relation with those two former bishops of Tijuana and Mexicali, it is worth considering the role played by another disciple of Posadas, current bishop of Zamora, in the Central state of Michoacan, Javier Navarro Rodríguez.

Javier Navarro Rodríguez, bishop of Zamora, Michoacán.

He is relevant because of his relationship with Posadas, and another former bishop of Tijuana, now emeritus archbishop of Yucatán, Emilio Berlié Belaunzarán. Navarro Rodríguez, Berlié Belaunzarán, and Sandoval Íñiguez were all disciples of the late Cardinal Posadas and close to Prigione.

As such they are part of a dense and complex network of high-ranking Mexican Catholic clerics considered in the Spanish-only story on sexual abuse in the dioceses of Chihuahua linked three paragraphs above. But he is also relevant because he was able to promote Rafael Valdez Torres, to his current position as first bishop of Ensenada, who used to be one of his priests in Zamora.

Rafael Valdez Torres, bishop of Ensenada, during a mass, 2024.

Bishop Accountability and Mexican NGO Spes Viva named Navarro Rodríguez and Sandoval Íñiguez as part of a group of living Mexican bishops actively protecting priests with credible accusations of clergy sexual abuse, as the story linked immediately after tells.

The Impossible Comparison

One measure of the differences between the Mexican and the American Roman Catholic dioceses’ approach and understanding of the pervasive effects of the clergy sexual abuse crisis is that while almost all U.S. dioceses have a section within their websites dedicated to provide at least a basic list with the names of the priests, deacons, male religious, and—in some cases—even the lay personnel with credible accusations of sexual abuse, such lists are impossible to get from the few Mexican dioceses having functional websites.

As the story linked immediately below proves, there are dioceses such as that of Tehuantepec claiming to have a commission to prevent sexual abuse, but there is no place where one can find information as to how to contact said commission.

In that regard, it is almost impossible to offer a systematic comparison of the Roman Catholic dioceses on the U.S. California and on the Mexican Californias.

The information from the four dioceses in the Mexican Californias facilitates a partial comparison with the U.S. California and stresses one additional difference between the Catholic Church on both sides of the fence.


First, Table 1, provides a summary of the basic data from the four dioceses in the Ecclesiastical Province of Baja California. Notice the high share, 95 percent, of Catholics that the archdiocese of Tijuana claims on the third column.

Table 2 summarizes, on the other hand, the data on religious affiliation from the 2020 Mexican Census. As the eighth column, labeled Relative Catholics, shows the share of Roman Catholics in the Mexican Census is only 61.94 percent.


That is a 32 percent points difference between the claim made by the archdiocese of Tijuana in the information they report to Rome and published by the Roman Curia in their Annuario Pontificio the Pontifical Yearbook, and the data coming from the 2020 Mexican Census.

Unlike the standard practice from the Census Bureau in the U.S., which avoids asking questions regarding religious affiliation, in Mexico as in Canada and other countries in the Western hemisphere and in Europe, there is a metric of religious affiliation.

The Mexican Conference of Catholic Bishops has no measure of its own to claim a 95 percent affiliation to that Church in the three municipalities shaping the archdiocese of Tijuana (Playas de Rosarito, Tecate, and Tijuana). The overestimation is equivalent to a third of the population of those municipalities.

To facilitate the comparison and to expand it to the other three dioceses in the Ecclesiastical Province of Baja California, Table 3 summarizes the data reported by the Mexican Bishops to the so-called Annuario Pontificio, a global official source of information of the Roman Catholic Church and the 2020 Mexican Census.


As can be see there, all four dioceses overestimate the share of Roman Catholics in their territories. That overestimation is harder to understand in the case of the diocese of La Paz, since that diocese has the exact same territory of the state of Baja California Sur.

There is no need for the bishop of the diocese to do any calculation from the data in the 2020 Mexican Census. Despite that, the Roman Catholic diocese of La Paz claims having over 61,000 more members than the 2020 Mexican Census gives them.

There is no explanation of why or how they calculate those 61, 344 more Catholics, an error of more than seven percent the total of the population in that diocese and state in Mexico.


Although not as flagrant as in the case of Tijuana and La Paz, the other two dioceses in the Province of Baja California, also overestimate the share of Catholics.

The total overestimation of the Catholic population in the Mexican Californias depicts a Roman Catholic hierarchy unable to accept the most basic data of reality. As far as the total population, the bishops accumulate an error of almost 730 thousand persons, and it is even larger when dealing with its own flock, since they assume that there are roughly 4.5 million Catholics in the Mexican Californias, when the Mexican Census Bureau estimates the number of Roman Catholics in little more than 3.1 million.

The consequences of that overestimation impact the very understanding of the Church’s role in the difficult settings that exist in border towns such as Tijuana and Mexicali. Suffice to say that there is no way to justify the calculation made by that archdiocese of the number of Catholics per priest in that district of the Catholic Church. It is, in more than one respect, a reflection of the difficulties that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Mexico has when understanding its own reality.

This overestimation of the share of Catholics in the national, state, and municipal data a compare to those of the census is part of a sort of spirit or attitude of the Mexican Catholic hierarchy that dismisses the ongoing demographic change depicted by the data on Table 2, and the real causes of that change.

Table 2 tells the story of a country where Catholicism loses ground not to the so-called “sects”, as the Mexican bishops used to call any non-Catholic group back in the nineties, but also—as it happens in the United States and elsewhere—the story of a country where those declaring no religious affiliation are more than the Evangelical Christians.

As Table 2 proves that is a fact on the four dioceses of the ecclesiastical province of Baja California and it is true also when one looks at the same data for the three Mexican states (both Californias and Sonora) shaping that territory.


Box 2, provides the data on the year of foundation of the four dioceses of the province and the date (2006) when Tijuana became an archdiocese and the metropolis of this ecclesiastical region.

Finally, as the previous installment of this series did with the Roman Catholic dioceses of California, Table 4 offers an estimation of the number of predator clergymen and victims of clergy sexual abuse.



As that previous instalment explained, both estimations are based on the so-called Sauvé Report, commissioned by the French Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops.

The Sauvé Report states that…

…a rate of around three percent of priests and members of religious orders who committed sexual violence against children, constitutes a minimum rate and a relevant point of comparison with other countries.

It is impossible to replicate the procedure followed by the Sauvé Report. The estimates provided here for each of the dioceses in the Mexican Californias are “static” in the sense that they only consider the current number of priests. In this text I do not calculate sexual abuse over different periods of time as the French report does.

Following the parameters set by the Sauvé Report I offer an upper limit or maximum and a lower limit or minimum estimate for each of the dioceses in the Mexican Californias.

Table 4 offers an upper and lower of the estimate limit using the 25 and 63 victims per predator as the base for the estimates for each Catholic diocese.

That is a minimum estimator. There is evidence in other reports, as in the case of Australia, of dioceses where up to 15 percent of the clergy participated in predatory practices. If that was the case for other dioceses, then the limits of the range would need to be multiplied by a factor of five.

Complete Article HERE!

Pope’s top adviser, women who say they were abused by ex-Jesuit artist ask for mosaics to be removed

Lawyer Laura Sgro’, left, talks to Mirjam Kovac, center, and Gloria Branciani, as they arrive for an interview with the Associated Press, in Rome, Friday, June 28, 2024. Kovac and Branciani are two of five women who urged Catholic bishops around the world to remove from their churches mosaics by ex-Jesuit artist Rev. Marko Rupnik after they accused him of psychologically, spiritually and sexually abusing them.


The scandal over a famous ex-Jesuit artist who is accused of psychologically, spiritually and sexually abusing adult women came to a head Friday after some of his alleged victims and the pope’s own anti-abuse adviser asked for his artworks not to be promoted or displayed.

The separate initiatives underscored how the case of the Rev. Marko Rupnik, whose mosaics grace some of the Catholic Church’s most-visited shrines and sanctuaries, continues to cause a headache for the Vatican and Pope Francis, who as a Jesuit himself has been drawn into the scandal.

Early Friday, five women who say they were abused by Rupnik sent letters to Catholic bishops around the world asking them to remove his mosaics from their churches, saying their continued display in places of worship was “inappropriate” and retraumatizing to victims.

Separately, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, head of the pope’s Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, sent his own letter urging Vatican offices to stop displaying Rupnik’s works. He said continued use of the works ignores the pain of victims and could imply a defense of the Slovene priest.

The two-pronged messages were issued after the Vatican’s top communications official strongly defended using images of Rupnik artwork on the Vatican News website, insisting that it caused no harm to victims and was a Christian response.

The Rupnik scandal first exploded publicly in late 2022 when the Jesuit religious order admitted that he had been excommunicated briefly for having committed one of the Catholic Church’s most serious crimes: using the confessional to absolve a woman with whom he had engaged in sexual activity.

The case continued to create problems for the Jesuits and Francis, since a dozen more women came forward saying they too had been victimized by Rupnik. The Vatican initially refused to prosecute, arguing the claims were too old.

Nevertheless, after hearing from more victims, the Jesuits expelled Rupnik from the order and Francis — under pressure because of suspicions he had protected his fellow Jesuit — waived the statute of limitations so that the Vatican could open a proper canonical trial.

To date Rupnik hasn’t responded publicly to the allegations and refused to respond to his Jesuit superiors during their investigation. His supporters at his Centro Aletti art studio have denounced what they have called a media “lynching.”

The debate about what to do with Rupnik’s works as the Vatican trial into him continues isn’t so much a matter of “cancel culture” or the age-old debate about whether one can appreciate art, such as a Caravaggio, separately from the actions of the artist. The reason is because some of Rupnik’s alleged victims say the abuse occurred precisely during the creation of the artwork itself, rendering the resulting mosaics a triggering and traumatic reminder of what they endured.

One nun said she was abused on the scaffolding as a mosaic was being installed in a church, another as she posed as his model.

“Notwithstanding the years that have passed, the trauma that each suffered has not been erased, and it lives again in the presence of each of Father Rupnik’s works,” said their letter, which was signed by attorney Laura Sgro on behalf of her five clients and sent Friday to more than 100 bishops, Vatican embassies and religious superiors around the world who are known to have Rupnik mosaics in their territories.

Gloria Branciani, one of the first Rupnik victims to go public, said she long wrestled with the question of what to do with his mosaics. But in an interview Friday, she said she came to the conclusion they must be removed from places of worship after learning that other women had been abused precisely in their creation.

“This doesn’t mean destroy the work, it means it can be moved somewhere else,” she said in an interview Friday. “The important thing is that it not remain connected to the expression of people’s faith … because using a work that is borne from an inspiration of abuse cannot remain in a place where people go to pray.”

The Vatican trial against Rupnik is ongoing — Sgro says she hasn’t been contacted to provide testimony of her clients — and Rupnik’s many defenders in the Vatican and beyond say it’s important to withhold final judgment until the Vatican makes its ruling.

But the scandal came back to life last week when the head of the Vatican’s communications department, Paolo Ruffini, was asked at a Catholic media conference why the Vatican News website continues to feature an image of a Rupnik mosaic.

Ruffini defended using the image, saying he was in no position to judge Rupnik and that in the history of civilization, “removing, deleting or destroying art has never been a good choice.”

When it was pointed out that he hadn’t mentioned the impact on victims of seeing Rupnik’s artwork promoted by the Vatican, Ruffini noted that the women weren’t minors and that while “closeness to the victims is important, I don’t know that this (removing the artwork) is the way of healing.”

When the reporter, Paulina Guziak of Our Sunday Visitor News, suggested otherwise, Ruffini said: “I think you’re wrong. I think you’re wrong. I really think you’re wrong.”

His comments shocked victims and apparently prompted O’Malley to send a letter to all Vatican offices saying he hoped that “pastoral prudence would prevent displaying artwork in a way that could imply either exoneration or a subtle defense” of alleged perpetrators of abuse.

“We must avoid sending a message that the Holy See is oblivious to the psychological distress that so many are suffering,” O’Malley wrote on behalf of the commission June 26.

The women who wrote their own letter said they greatly appreciated O’Malley’s statement, which they took as a show of support that came as a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

“It’s a sign that the times have matured,” said Mirjam Kovac, a Slovene canon lawyer at the Pontifical Gregorian University who is a former member of Rupnik’s community.

Sister Samuelle, a French nun who says Rupnik manipulated her over years, taking advantage of her vulnerability to eventually touch her intimately while on a mosaic installation scaffolding, thanked O’Malley “from my heart.”

“In this difficult, weighty and traumatic situation, we took this important step with our letter. And I receive his declaration as a sign that there’s someone else who cares,” she said in an interview.

For advocates of victims, the Rupnik scandal and Ruffini’s comments were continued evidence that the church in general, and Vatican in particular, continually dismiss abuse of adult women as mere sinful behavior by priests rather than traumatic abuse that affects them for life.

“The continued use of Rupnik’s art is incredibly hurtful to many abuse survivors, who see this as emblematic of an ongoing lack of concern for the needs of all survivors,” Sara Larson, executive director of Awake, a survivor support and advocacy organization, said in an email.

Removal of the mosaics, however, is no simple matter since some cover entire basilica façades (Lourdes, France); entire interiors (the Vatican’s own Redemptoris Mater chapel); or, in the case of the St. Padre Pio sanctuary in southern Italy, the entire floor-to-ceiling gilded smaller church.

Other churches have smaller-scale mosaics but they are still prominent. The Rupnik-designed mosaics inside the Basilica of the Holy Trinity in Fatima, Portugal are so integral to its artistic and iconographic importance that the shrine is seeking status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

But other churches are reconsidering. Bishop Jean-Marc Micas, whose diocese includes the Lourdes, France shrine, announced the creation of a study group last year to consider what to do with Rupnik’s mosaics. A decision is expected soon.

A reflection is also taking place at the Knights of Columbus’ St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington D.C. The Knights said the outcome of the Vatican’s canonical trial against Rupnik would be “an important factor in our considerations.”

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Several Catholic dioceses in Washington are being investigated for clergy sexual abuse.

— It isn’t the first time


Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson (D) announced an investigation into the dioceses of Spokane, Yakima and Seattle on May 9 claiming that they may have used charitable funds to hide child sex abuse allegations. Clergy abuse survivors say it’s a historic moment.

Mary Dispenza, a survivor and co-founding member of the Catholic Accountability Project (CAP), says that accountability for the alleged use of charitable funds for abuse cover-ups could bring healing for victims.

“For victims, being a survivor of clergy abuse and nun abuse, it’s an exciting moment,” Dispenza said.

Dispenza says that the attorney general’s case is the first time that a sitting archbishop has been subpoenaed for covering up abuse records.

“The attorney general is saying ‘you’re not above the law.’ So it’s a historic moment for sure,” Dispenza said.

A state petition to enforce a subpoena against the three dioceses will be considered in King County Superior Court on July 12. Dispenza hopes that the subpoena enforcement is granted and that Catholics across the state are given access to that information.

“Catholics have a right to know what’s going on in a church that they’ve pledged money to and support,” Dispenza said. “There are people who are buried in Catholic cemeteries who would be turning over in their graves if they knew that there is money being used to protect the ‘sins of our fathers,’ so to speak.”

CAP issued a demand letter on Tuesday saying that the successor to Bob Ferguson, who is currently running for governor, should continue pursuing a statewide investigation into Catholic clergy abuse. The organization also urged the attorney general’s office to subpoena the west province of the Society of Jesus along with the Christian Brothers and Franciscan Friars.

It is not the first time Spokane’s Catholic clergy have been the subject of investigations.

The national avalanche of abuse claims against Catholic clergy can be traced back to a 1985 National Catholic Reporter investigation into a priest who abused several boys in Lafayette.

Since then, the Church has undergone an international reckoning concerning the lack of accountability measures which allowed pedophile priests to go unchecked for decades. The papacies of Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have all addressed the abuse controversies which precipitated the NCR piece.

In Spokane, the abuse crisis caused a financial headache for the diocese. Under the leadership of Bishop William Skylstad the diocese agreed to pay $48 million in 2007 to nearly 200 people who were sexually abused by clergy. Legal battles surrounding the amount the diocese would have to pay continued through 2010 as new abuse claims came to light.< The diocese maintains a webpage containing a list of credibly accused clergy. According to its website, 12 men representing the diocese have been credibly accused, four of whom are still alive.

In addition to diocesan clergy, priests and brothers from Roman Catholic religious orders have also been accused of sexual abuse in Spokane. While a handful of Franciscan, Benedictine and Marianist clergy have been accused, the Jesuits have been the subject of the majority of abuse claims.

Sexual abuse perpetrated by religious orders in eastern Washington likely began with indigenous boarding schools which removed native children from their parents to be educated by white Catholic clergy. While the exact number of indigenous children abused by members of the order is unknown, a 2023 Georgetown University forum acknowledged the issue as a systemic failure.

The Oregon Province of the Jesuits filed for bankruptcy in the face of hundreds of abuse claims in 2009 and reformed as Jesuits West. The final settlement for abuse victims totaled $166 million. Several victims and perpetrators were from Spokane.

A list of members credibly accused of sexual abuse since 1950 was published by Jesuits West in 2018 and included 130 incidents in Spokane.

The issue caused a fissure between the wider Gonzaga University community and the campus Jesuit residence in 2018. The Diocese of Spokane claimed that Gonzaga Jesuits failed to notify the bishop that Gonzaga had become the defacto retirement community for priests accused of sexual abuse.

Gonzaga responded with a commission to investigate sexual abuse claims against priests and offer recommendations to keep students safe which yielded a 45 page report in 2021. Of the twelve members of that commission only one was a Jesuit.

The surviving credibly accused Jesuits who were living at the Cardinal Bea House on Gonzaga’s campus are now living at a retirement community not associated with any educational institution.

On a diocesan level, Spokane Bishop Thomas Daly has sanctioned priests accused of sexual abuse, but has been criticized for his handling of sex abuse claims by the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests.

Nationally, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has implied that gay men are responsible for the Church’s decades-long struggle with abuse claims. In 2022, USCCB president Archbishop Timothy Broglio defended his initial 2018 claim that “the crisis of sexual abuse by priests in the USA is directly related to homosexuality.”

A 2011 John Jay College study found that there is no statistical proof that homosexuality or celibacy are responsible for the American Catholic sex abuse crisis.

The new Attorney General’s Office investigation into the diocese of Spokane has yet to yield any criminal or civil charges. The initial investigation began in summer 2023 according to the AG’s office.

Dispenza says that legal pressure on the church has the potential to bring more information to light and empower victims.

“The more stories we get out in the open, the more possibility there is for change, because in the story there is truth. Stories wake us up,” Dispenza said.

It is unclear whether Ferguson plans to launch investigations into additional dioceses or Roman Catholic religious orders.

Complete Article HERE!

‘It was a violent incident’

— Attorney says Father Jay Mello has other sexual abuse victims

Robert Hoatson of Road to Recovery stands outside the Diocese of Fall River's headquarters and the residence of Bishop Edgar da Cunha on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024, to talk about allegations of sexual abuse against the Rev. Jay Mello.
Robert Hoatson of Road to Recovery stands outside the Diocese of Fall River’s headquarters and the residence of Bishop Edgar da Cunha on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024, to talk about allegations of sexual abuse against the Rev. Jay Mello.

By Dan Medeiros

A prominent city priest currently on leave pending a Diocese of Fall River investigation into “sexual misconduct” has also been accused of sexual assault by at least one other person, and there may be others, an attorney for the alleged victim said. 

Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, who has represented multiple victims of clergy sexual abuse, claimed that in 2013 the Rev. Jay Mello sexually abused a 28-year-old man.

“He trusted Father Mello, and Father Mello took advantage of him sexually,” said Garabedian via teleconference at a press conference held outside the headquarters of the Diocese of Fall River on Highland Avenue. “There was no consent in this sexual relationship. It was a violent incident … and my client fled.”

Mello, the pastor of St. Michael and St. Joseph parishes in Fall River and the pastor of the pre-K to Grade 8 St. Michael’s School, was placed on leave on Friday while it investigates a more recent claim of what the diocese termed “sexual misconduct.” Mello is no longer living at the St. Michael’s parish rectory and cannot participate in priestly duties during the investigation.

The diocese said this investigation does not involve a minor, and that Mello has denied the allegations.

Mello has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Claim: Mello sexually assaulted a man in 2013, and there may have been others

Garabedian’s client is not the same victim involved in the recent charges.

Garabedian said the alleged abuse occurred in the rectory at St. Francis Xavier Church in Acushnet. At the time, Mello was assigned to St. Patrick Church in Falmouth, but was covering for another priest in Acushnet.

He said his client met Mello at a convocation at Sacred Hearts Retreat Center in Wareham in the early 2010s. He claimed Mello and his client had “common interests” in cooking, and in 2013 Mello invited him to St. Francis Xavier to talk about it further.

“That’s when the sexual abuse took place.”

As for the nature of the assault, Garabedian said, “It was forceful, and that’s all I’ll say at this point.”

ST. Michael's Church on Essex St. in Fall River Thursday June 13, 2024.
ST. Michael’s Church on Essex St. in Fall River Thursday June 13, 2024.

Garabedian said his client reported that incident to the diocese.

“My client spoke directly to Bishop [George] Coleman about the sexual abuse,” he said. “My client, after the interview with Bishop Coleman, never heard from Bishop Coleman again.”

Bishop [George] Coleman
Garabedian claimed that his client also reported the incident to the Acushnet Police Department, and it’s “unclear” why it was not investigated; that department has not yet responded to a request verifying whether such a report was filed.

Garabedian said 10 years later, in 2023, his client again met with “an investigator for the church,” at which time the client claimed that he knew of two other people who Mello had also had inappropriate contact with.

Garabedian said this second attempt at initiating an investigation also did not see results.

The Rev. Jay Mello, chaplain of the Fall River Police Department, gives the benediction at Fall River's inauguration of municipal officers Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2024 at B.M.C. Durfee High School in Fall River.
The Rev. Jay Mello, chaplain of the Fall River Police Department, gives the benediction at Fall River’s inauguration of municipal officers Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2024 at B.M.C. Durfee High School in Fall River.

“This is another example of the Diocese of Fall River and the Catholic Church practicing coverup of sexual abuse and not caring about the victims of sexual abuse,” Garabedian said.

Garabedian said his client may not be able to file a lawsuit against the diocese or Mello.

“It appears as though the statute of limitations has run — and that’s a whole other topic where the statute of limitations in Massachusetts has to be amended so that victims of sexual abuse can file claims when they need to,” he said.

He urged people who have inappropriate contact with members of the clergy to speak with police first.

Robert Hoatson, a former priest in Newark, New Jersey, and the co-founder and president of sexual abuse support group Road to Recovery, stood outside the home of Bishop Edgar da Cunha on Highland Avenue and advocated for similar action.

“I urge everybody in Fall River who was ever abused or used or groomed by this man, Father Jay Mello, to please go to the police … and report it,” Hoatson said.

“Do not go near the Catholic Church for anything, because you will only get the corruption that is rampant within.”

A statue of Mary stands outside the Diocese of Fall River's headquarters on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024.
A statue of Mary stands outside the Diocese of Fall River’s headquarters on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024.

Diocese won’t comment on specifics; urges victims to reach out

The Diocese of Fall River would not comment on the specifics of Garabedian’s allegations.

“While the investigation continues, the Diocese is not able to provide additional comment on the case,” read a statement from Director of Communications John Kearns. “At the conclusion of the investigation, all information including any allegations will be presented to the Ministerial Review Board for evaluation.”

According to the Diocese, the board is a group of both laypeople and clergy who “serve as a confidential, consultative body to advise the Bishop regarding alleged misconduct by clergy, regardless of when that misconduct is alleged to have occurred, including misconduct relating to the sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult as well as other forms of misconduct.”

According to a document revised May 2023, the board comprises nine members, at least five of whom are appointed by the bishop to five-year terms.

The Diocese’s stated that “anyone with concerns regarding the conduct of any priest, staff, or volunteer affiliated with the diocese [should] contact law enforcement and/or Carolyn Shipp, the Diocesan Director of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance at 508-985-6508, by email at or on our website at”

Robert Hoatson of Road to Recovery stands outside the Diocese of Fall River's headquarters on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024, to talk about allegations of sexual abuse against the Rev. Jay Mello.
Robert Hoatson of Road to Recovery stands outside the Diocese of Fall River’s headquarters on Highland Avenue on June 26, 2024, to talk about allegations of sexual abuse against the Rev. Jay Mello.

Mello resigns from Diman school board

In 2019, Mello was appointed the chaplain for the Fall River Police Department. Since he cannot perform public priestly duties during the investigation, he cannot serve in that capacity.

Mello, a Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School graduate, also served on its regional school board. Mayor Paul Coogan confirmed on Wednesday that he spoke with Mello, and that Mello sent him his resignation from the board that morning.

“I said I think that’s better for the school and the district,” Coogan said, citing the misconduct allegations and investigation as a distraction from the business of running the vocational school district.

Coogan said he told Mello that he would be happy to speak with him later on, if Mello were cleared of the allegations and wanted to serve the city in another capacity.

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